Hosted by Tessa Shimizu

Photography, like all art, is subjective - meaning despite certain standards or norms in the technical realm, at the end of the day it’s YOUR images; YOUR decisions; YOUR creativity taking form. Do your best not to get caught up on “the right way” to do things; learn the standards/baseline and then choose how you want to use those skills/knowledge - what you want to experiment with, how far you want to stretch the boundaries into the surreal or if you want to hone in the traditional aspects of photography. There are no bad ideas or stupid questions. What you will learn  in these sessions will hopefully help make you comfortable handling your camera and help to lead you into discovering your personal interests, curiosities, process and workflows. Even if this leads to a different medium, this will have just been part of your journey in opening up ways to make your creative visions into a reality. 

During this workshop, we will go over photo basics, b/w + color film processing, b/w darkroom printing. We will revisit the key elements in making an image; exposure, shutter speed, light speed, aperture, composition, personal workflows and more !

All materials provided.

Location: Warehouse 416, Oakland CA
Rate p/ person: $375 (sliding scale)

Capacity: 4 Participants
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Duration: 3 days

[No experience necessary]

If you are interested in future workshops, please send me an email. I will add you to a list and notify you when a workshop has been scheduled. Please include what you hope to get out of this workshop, your name, age and number.


Darkroom X Poetry Workshop w/ Tessa Shimizu & Jalen Eutsey
SEPTEMBER 2023 - 4 Sunday Sessions


Workshop V.3 — February 2022 [02/19 - 02/27]

Workshop V.2 — October 2021 [10/16 - 10/19]

Workshop V.1 — August 2021 [8/8 - 8/16]