With the use of long and multiple exposures, the ability to obscure and reveal areas dynamically,
creates surreal compositions with textures often reminiscent of how dreams and memories are recalled - as
….. . … . . …. ……………….. ……….. . …. fragmented, …………………… . .. … …… ….. ……………………
……. . ….. . ………. … ………………. blended, ………………………… ……. . …. . …. …… ……………………… ……………
…………………………………………… . . .. ….. . ……………. …….. ……… .……. isolated moments. ……………….. ……..
P o r t r a i t s
A b s t r a c t i o n s
A l t e r n a t i v e P r o c e s s